Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Break for Mom and Dad!

Thanks for a couple sets of very good friends, Dawsyn's Mom and Dad got to spend some time together without the kidlets this weekend!  Eureka, what excitement!!

Another couple asked Mom and Dad to join them at a seminar called LAUGH YOUR WAY TO A BETTER MARRIAGE.  And laugh we did.  The speaker, Mark Gungor, has a true gifting for telling it like it is and keeping you in stitches all at the same time.  All Friday evening and Saturday morning we laughed and learned and laughed and learned and laughed.  I highly recommend a visit to

Another couple offered to keep the kidlets over night as well so we didn't have to rush home in between the Friday and Saturday sessions.  Brother is quite easy to have around but any friend who offers to keep Dawsyn over night is a true friend indeed!  Thank you so much I&Z!!  

Now we're back to "normal".  Dad is home after a week long road trip and our days will be full of work and fund-raising plans and our evening will be full of baseball practices and fund-raising plans!   And so will be our lives for the next few weeks and months until we can move on to the next step in our Assistance Dog aquisition.  


The Blog Fodder said...

Good for you two. And good for your friends.
Dawson's Mom and Dad need to remember and make time for each other. Hugs to all.

Unknown said...

You both deserve the 'mini' break! We didn't even live your life for 24hrs....but wow, what an insight! You are AWESOME!