Thursday, November 4, 2010

Funding Appeal from the IDEA League

International Dravet Epilepsy Action League
IL Logo
Dear Friend,

Words cannot describe how agonizing one minute is, let alone 60 or 160 minutes, when you are helplessly watching your child suffer through a seizure. Tragically, this is what thousands of parents whose children have Dravet Syndrome, and similar forms of epilepsy, are forced to do.  Every day and night, Moms and Dads are thrown into a combat situation where they must fight to save their child's life - EVERY day and night.  Where does their strength and courage to deal with such constant trauma come from?  It comes from for their child.
The IDEA-League is dedicated to helping these loving parents and children.  Our volunteer board is made up of Moms and Dads who know first-hand the unrelenting stress and destruction this illness creates in their children's lives and families.  This dedicated board, along with staff and volunteers, have accomplished many valuable outcomes including: funded two research grants; soon to be published internal and collaborative research studies; co-sponsorship of a special supplemental Dravet syndrome issue of the medical journal Epilepsia; co-sponsorship with Vision 2020 of a report on The Public Health Dimensions of the Epilepsies by the National Institute of Medicine; hosted international family medical conferences; created 13 Comprehensive Coordinated Care Programs across the U.S.; reimbursed and obtained coverage of medications for patients; and continued an online exchange with phone support for parents.

But as parents, we know that our foundation has much more work to do!  The IDEA League is one of action.  We need to fund more research, partner with more doctors and researchers, provide easier access to medical research and information, distribute more educational materials, answer more questions, and link together even more families around the world.  These are realistic goals we can accomplish together.  And together we can help to relieve the suffering of these loving parents and children, and ultimately, help to save their lives.

We have never sent out a request for funding before
and hope that you understand our need.

We are asking for love of our children.  We are asking you to please make a generous donation so that we can create and deliver better lifesaving programs and services to help the thousands of Moms and Dads who are so desperately reaching out to us for help.

If you, or someone you know, has ever been helped by our organization...
If you have ever received comfort and support from us when you needed it...
If you have ever gained valuable, perhaps lifesaving information from our team...
Then you know how important our work is.

It is only by working together that we can find a cure for these seizures.  On behalf of thousands of loving parents from around the world, thank you for your tax-deductible donation.

Laura Cossolotto
President and Mother of Michaela, 13 year old daughter with Dravet Syndrome

P.S.  Please send us your updated contact info to receive our newsletters!

 The International Dravet Epilepsy Action League is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by Internal Revenue Service - we are not affiliated with any other foundation

P.O. Box 797 Deale, Maryland 20751

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