Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 6 - Downtime for Dawsyn (Letter to Class)

Last night was a big test for Milkyway because it was the first time since we got here that I had a seizure. I had three seizures between four and seven in the morning. When I had the first one, Mom yelled at Dad to wake him up and he had to go hunting for Milkyway because he'd snuck out of our bed to the sofa in the living room! He probably thought he'd have more room out there than in the same bed as me and Mom!

Dad brought him in and got him up on the bed beside me. He was a little sleepy so didn't really know what he was supposed to do at first. Mom looked after me and Dad told Milkyway he was a good boy. When my seizure was all done, they fed him some hotdogs and told him "Atta boy! Good boy!" over and over. He licked my arms and face for awhile making sure I was okay. Licking also helps him remember what my seizures "smell" like so that when he smells it next time, he can bark to tell Mom and Dad. He snuggled up really close to me and we all went back to sleep for awhile. When I had the next seizure, he woke up more quickly and licked me and nuzzled me until it was done. Again Mom and Dad gave him hotdogs and told him he was the best dog on the whole world! In between seizures two and three, Milkyway was on one side of me and Mom was on the other ... like a Dawsyn sandwich. We are all sleeping so tightly but heard a "thump" and woke up. Poor Milky had slipped right off the bed and was wedged between the bed and the wall on his back with his feet sticking straight up in the air! Mom was laughing and told Dad to take a picture but Dad just wanted to help our poor dog out of his predicament!

Even after that traumatic experience, Milkyway still wanted to snuggle up next to me for the rest of the night! He did his good job when I had my last seizure. Pretty soon he will know my seizure "smell" so well that he will be able to smell it even before I have a seizure and will bark to let my parents know. He really is an amazing dog!

After four busy days of training, I was pretty tired this morning so Mom and Dad decided that I should take the morning off. Dad stayed at the hotel with me while Mom and Milkyway went to practice obedience at the Mall. It was agreed that it would be more important for Mom to be able to handle me while shopping than Dad. Mom LOVES to shop ... Dad, not so much!

I had quite a lazy morning of movies and naps, naps and movies! By the time Mom came back to pick us up for the afternoon training session, I was raring to go. Milkyway was worn out!! I think maybe Mom took full advantage of being in the mall without me and Dad because she came home with a lot of bags and one tired pooch!

During the afternoon training session Mom and Dad learned about dog health and grooming stuff. Did you know that even your dog needs to get his teeth brushed and toe nails clipped?

This evening we did some more Mall "work". Mom said Dad needed to practice. She came home with a bunch more bags!

We went to my brothers favorite restaurant for supper ... only he wasn't with us! If you ever travel to the United States, look for one of these if you are REALLY hungry. It's a big big buffet with everything from salad to steaks to pizza to chicken cooked half a dozen different ways to lots and lots of different desserts, even never ending ice cream cones! Matthew's going to be sad he missed it!

My big furry boy is sticking pretty close to my side tonight and I'm glad to have him there!

Dawsyn & Milkyway


Snowball bushes - these are one of my favorite shrubs. I brought one out of my yard in Lethbridge and have it planted in my front yard. It is being very slow about growing and producing flowers ... think it may have something to do with late April SNOW STORMS??


Dawsyn's Mom said...

NOTE ABOUT SHOPPING TRIP: While shopping this evening we purchased three pairs of shoes ... NOT ONE OF THEM WAS FOR ME!!! Something has gone terribly terribly wrong and we may need an intervention!

Anonymous said...

You must be coming down with the flu or something!!!?????? How can you have bought 3 pairs of shoes and not one of them be for you?????

So neat to hear that Milkyway is a quick learner on the seizure front.....that's one smart pooch!!

Sleep well xx